

Discerning God’s Will

Kellye Fabian | The Practice

Decisions are made, but discernment is given.

Discernment is given by God. It’s a process of discriminating what is of God and what is not of God in our lives, and surrendering to what God gives us. Discernment is often beyond logical pros and cons lists and looks more like listening to the quiet voice of God who may be calling us into the bold, unusual, or unclear path. 


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Pray as You Go

One way that Luke makes a connection between the Holy Spirit and the fledgling Christian community, is by looking at the process of human decision-making. The mission of the early Church is inspired and guided by God through the Holy Spirit. God moves ahead of the other people in the narrative, so it often seems difficult for the people to keep up with God’s initiatives. But Luke carefully describes a number of these decisions – the election of Matthias, the decision to continue preaching despite persecution, the choosing of seven men, including Stephen, as deacons, and the acceptance of Paul as an apostle by the community of Christians in Jerusalem. As you listen to the story of the calling of seven men as deacons, spend some time reflecting on the way that you discern the will of God in your own life – what can you learn from this account of discernment?


Discernment for Dummies

MGL Priests and Brothers

Discerning your Vocation can be difficult. So the Missionaries of God's Love priests and brothers have created a simple guide to help you understand the process and get the basic steps correct.

Part 1 - What is Discernment?

Part 2 - Falling in Love with Jesus

Part 3 - Surrender

Part 4 - Listening